I have really thought about this and I finally I decided to dedicate a post on this. Maybe even use my blogger audience as a contributing factor to reaching my goals... we will see.
Has anyone watched The Biggest Loser? Jillian Michaels is one of the trainers on NBC's The Biggest Loser. She is ripped, intense, and is known for being quite harsh in her training. In fact she is one of the world's best trainers. I didn't really watch the show until the end of last season but I soon realized how amazing it was. The people on that show are severely overweight/obese and this show gives them the training they need to not only makeover their bodies but their lives as well. It is inspiring.
There is a girl I work with who enrolled in Jillian's online program which includes workout routines, suggested meal planning, and all these weight loss trackers plus tons of other info. She has lost 20 lbs so far! I have tried lots of weird dieting and have always been active (dancing, snowboarding, running), and worked out but have never really tried a set workout program. So I decided why not!?
The program was free for the first week then only $4/week after that. I won't be posting any before and after photos but I have lost 2 lbs so far. A small victory but I feel it is a great start! I LOVE this program and it is super intense. Each workout consists of circuit training and your heart rate is up the entire time! I mean seriously these workouts are tough and with every pound you track as being lost the workout get more intense. The first week just about killed me. I could hardly even walk, now on my 3rd week I am a little less sore and can walk but you can tell that EVERY part of your body gets a work out, even to the point of exhaustion. It is crazy but I am loving it.
I'm not sure how many people actually read this but puting this out there and sharing it with ya'll will help me to stay motivated. I will be sure to be better about posting on here too...
In other news... my dance team is currently working on Thriller and I am loving it! Oh and I also joined a dodgeball team. We have had only 1 game so far but it is tons of fun. I'm sure you can only imagine.
Whoa I didn't know you were doing the Jillian Michaels program! She is so intense! I LOVE the biggest loser! Anyway she definitely seems to know her stuff so i'm sure her program is awesome! Congrats on the 2 lbs. though! That's so awesome! I'm so proud of you!